1. Perfect green light source new LED green light source, little temperature rise and perfect sunlight like shadowless effect, no strobe, infrared and ultraviolet radiation and radioactive contamination.
2. Unique Double Optical System Unique designed LED optical system with a higher light utilization rate as much as 2 to 3 times of ordinary ones.
3.Long service life-span bulb service life-span over 50000 hours.
4. Deep lighting and Shadowless Effect Arc focus design generating a great shadowless effect and deep lighting effect.
5.User-friendly LCD Screen Lux Control System Touch panel control system and volume control of dimming performance.
6. Ideal Sterile Environment Shape Design Symmetrical lamp panel design, remarkable reduced obstruction area and a good conformation to the sterile requirement of OR.
7. Flexible Lamp Panel Combination of single or double lamp panels of different housing diameters